
3rd Global Summit and Expo on Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine w Barcelonie!

Z przyjemnością i wielkim zaszczytem chcielibyśmy zaprosić na trzecią już edycję konferencji Global Summit and Expo on Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, która odbędzie się w dniach 18-20 września 2019 r. w Barcelonie w Hiszpanii.

Gospodarzem konferencji jest Linkin Science, a Fundacja Wspierania Nanonauk i Nanotechnologii NANONET została partnerem medialnym spotkania. Zagadnienia poruszane podczas wydarzenia skupiać się będą na tematyce nanomedycyny, nauk przyrodniczych, opieki zdrowotnej i inżynierii. Misją spotkania jest doprowadzenie naukowców do wspólnej platformy i umożliwienie im interakcji poprzez wymianę pomysłów i doświadczeń. Wierzymy w rozwój ulepszeń dziedziny nanomedycyny i nanotechnologii oraz możliwości nowych odkryć i badań. Już dziś zapraszamy do rejestracji na stronie: https://globalnanoscienceconference.com/

Więcej na: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y98DMyyPYeU


It is with an immense pleasure and a great honor, we would like to welcome you all to the 3rd Global Summit and Expo on Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine to be held during September 18-20, 2019 at Barcelona in Spain.

The conference is hosted by Linkin Science. Foundation of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Support NANONET became the media partner of this event. These conferences are well crafted and designed by a team of skilled experts. Our conferences are vast expanded into Medical, life sciences, health care, Engineering and other social sciences. Each conference, summit or executive briefing is tailored to the sector, topic and audience need. Our event structure varies depending on issue and market requirements featuring Keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Young research forum, Exhibitions, roundtables and variable formats. Our mission is to bring the researchers on a common platform and provide opportunity for them to interact. This scientific networking helps for the betterment of science by exchanging the ideas in a broader way. Magnifying Scientific Knowledge by Sharing the research and ideas. We believe in accelerating the possibilities of novel discoveries and enhancement in scientific research, by connecting scientific community for knowledge sharing. Join us to redefine and explore new research, to provide a credible source to barter ideas for scientific studies besides transforming the true outcomes of a distinct scientific discovery and grab the attention for rare emerging technologies.

Check out the websites and register for the conference!

https://globalnanoscienceconference.com/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y98DMyyPYeU 

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