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Najważniejsza konferencja Fizyki Cząstek Elementarnych na świecie (International Conference on High Energy Physics – ICHEP) rozpoczęła się w hiszpańskiej Walencji.
· Ponad 500 wystąpień przybliży nam najnowsze osiągnięcia w dziedzinie fizyki cząstek
· Konferencja prasowa, w której uczestniczyć będzie laureat Nagrody Nobla Francois Englert, wiceprzewodniczący Komitetu Organizacyjnego Juan Fuster i Dyrektor Generalny CERN Rolf-Dieter Heuer, jest zaplanowana na poniedziałek 7 lipca.
· Sesje plenarne i specjalne w dniach 7 – 9 lipca będzie można śledzić dzięki bezpośredniemu streamingowi.
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The most important meeting of high energy physicists in the world starts off in Valencia
• More than 500 talks will let us know the most recent results in the field of particle physics.
• A press conference attended by Nobel Prize laureate François Englert, the co-chairman of the Organizing Committee Juan Fuster and CERN’s Director General Rolf-Dieter Heuer will be held on Monday 7 July.
• Plenary and special sessions between July 7th and 9th can be followed via streaming.
Valencia, July 2nd 2014. Tomorrow, at the Congress Palace in Valencia, the 37th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), organized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), will begin. It is considered the most relevant meeting in the community of high energy physicists, and where the most recent results in the field of particle physics are announced. Thanks to the candidature submitted by the Institute for Corpuscular Physics (IFIC, CSIC-UV), it is the first time this conference is held in Spain.
Nearly a thousand researchers from around the world are going to gather in Valencia for this event. Among them we can find François Englert, co-inventor of the “Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism”, that explains the origin of the mass of the elementary particles and implies the existence of the Higgs boson, whose discovery granted Prof. Englert the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013; another attendant is Alan Guth, father of the theory of cosmic inflation, whose first evidences have been just published. The managers of the most important laboratories in this area around the world, like CERN and DESY in Europe, KEK in Japan and Fermilab in the United States, will also participate in a special session. Professor Englert, CERN’s Director General Rolf-Dieter Heuer and the co-chairman of the Organizing Committee of ICHEP Juan Fuster will offer a press conference on Monday July 7th.
The first part of the congress, from July 3rd to July 5th, will be dedicated to parallel sessions with almost 500 talks distributed in 15 topical areas. Most of them will be devoted to the latest results on the properties of the Higgs boson and other investigations on cutting-edge areas such as neutrino physics, dark matter or the search for new particles beyond the Standard Model.
In the second part of the congress, from July 7th to July 9th, will be dedicated to the plenary sessions, which will be available online via streaming. Some special sessions will also be streamed live, namely the cosmology session (Tuesday 8th), the session devoted to the 60th anniversary of CERN (Saturday 5th at 18:00) and the one about future accelerators (Monday 7th), in which the managers of the most important accelerators in the world will discuss the future of these machines and will analyze the characteristics of the next generation of super-accelerators, whose construction may take place in the coming 50 years. Among the various proposals for this study CERN puts forward the possibility to replace the LHC when its scheduled lifetime comes to an end, by the year 2030.
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